The Chester Housing Authority (CHA) is seeking quotations for the performance of remote annual re-certifications of approximately 1275 Housing Choice Voucher program participants
CHA anticipates entering into a contract with the selected respondent for a one (1) year term with the option, at CHA’s sole discretion, of two (2) additional one-year option periods.
Proposals are to CHA no later than 3:00 PM EST, October 30, 2024. Please send proposals to [email protected] using the subject: HCVP Annual Recert Services.
Proposal must be received by 3:00 PM EST, October 30, 2024, in the form outlined below. Late submittals will not be accepted.
Chester Housing Authority
Attn: Quineice Harris
1111 Avenue of the States
Chester, PA 19013
610-904-1111 ext 102
September 9, 2024
Chester Housing Authority Board Appoints Cindy Thompson as New Chief Executive Officer
The Chester Housing Authority (CHA) Board of Commissioners has announced the appointment of Cindy Thompson as its new Chief Executive Officer, succeeding the planned retirement of Steven Fischer.
A seasoned professional with over 20 years in the housing industry, Thompson brings extensive experience in both commercial and affordable housing. Her track record includes a successful overhaul of the Housing Choice Voucher Program at the Alexandria Redevelopment Authority, where she transformed it into a high-performing entity within two years. Thompson, known in the industry for improving employee morale, was hired as COO at the Athens Housing Authority and brought the vacancy rate there from 10% to 3% in 90 days.
Board Chair Sheila Church expressed strong confidence in Thompson's leadership, stating, "The Board is confident in Cindy's abilities to lead us forward."
Thompson's immediate focus will be enhancing the CHA's relationships with the City and HUD, addressing previous communication challenges, and improving engagement with elected officials and residents. She also plans to build upon the initiatives started by her predecessor, Steven Fischer, to include satisfying requirements to complete corrective action measures to maintain the authority's standard performer designation.
"We have a great team here, and many of the pieces are already in place. We will continue working to achieve CHA's mission," says Thompson.
One of Thompson's primary objectives is to address the ongoing issues at the Ruth Bennett Homes, one of CHA's oldest properties. Despite securing several grants, the property continues to face significant infrastructure problems, including frequent repairs due to outdated underground pipes. Thompson is committed to finding sustainable solutions to these challenges.
Looking ahead, Thompson's long-term goal is to pursue HUD's Moving to Work designation for CHA, a strategic move she believes will provide greater flexibility and enhance the authority's ability to serve its community effectively.
Request for Proposals
The Chester Housing Authority (CHA), located in the City of Chester, Pennsylvania seeks qualified vendors to provide trash collection two (2) times per week, recycling services one (1) time per week, and bulk collection one (1) time per month for two calendar years at its administrative building, four (4) community centers, and seven (7) residential housing developments. The CHA requests services to be provided weekly on Mondays and Thursdays.
Sealed bids must be submitted online through the PennBid electronic procurement program prior to 10:00 AM on September 20, 2024.
There will be no Pre-Bid Meeting for this project bid.
Please contact [email protected] via email for any questions regarding these services.
AD DATES: 9/3 & 9/6
The September payments will be initalized and in the cue to pay, but payment will not be released until 9/3 after the Labor Day holiday. The US Treasury releases the funds to CHA on the first business day of the month. For September, that is September 3rd. The funds may not hit YOUR accounts until 9/6. This affects the tenants receiving utility payments and owners receiving rental payments.
Public Notice
The CHESTER HOUSING AUTHORITY (CHA) is updating its Administrative Plan to comply with the regulatory changes under the Housing Opportunity through Modernization Act, (HOTMA).
Pursuant to HUD regulations, the Administrative Plan will be available for public review on August 15, 2024, at CHA’s Administrative offices at 1111 Avenue of the States, Chester, PA 19013 from Monday through Friday 8:30a.m. to 4:30p.m. The changes will be effective for eligibility, annual, interim, and leasing certifications effective, January 1, 2025 in accordance with the HOTMA implementation deadline.
A public hearing will be held on September 17, 2024, at 12:00pm in the second-floor conference room of the CHA’s administrative offices, 1111 Avenue of the States, Chester, PA 19013. All are invited to comment on the policy updates at the public hearing. Please contact Quineice Harris at [email protected] for an appointment or to attend the public hearing.
CHA is an equal opportunity employer.
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